Our Credential & Certificate Programs
AMS Early Childhood Credential
Montana Montessori Teacher Education Institute is dedicated to providing exceptional education that adheres to MACTE accreditation and AMS affiliate standards. Our Early Childhood Teacher Certification program is designed for adult learners and offers a combination of distance learning and low residency requirements.
We offer two certification levels:
AMS Early Childhood Full Credential (2½ through 6-year-olds) is for adult learners with a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. college or university or its equivalent.
AMS Associate Early Childhood Credential (2½ through 6-year-olds) is for adult learners without a Bachelor’s degree but with a high school diploma from a recognized secondary school or GED or for those whose credentials are not verified as equivalent to a U.S. 4-year degree from an accredited college or university.
Montessori Philosophy and Foundations of Early Childhood Development
Montessori Classroom Leadership
The Main Areas of the Montessori Classroom
Practical Life
Science and Social Studies
Current Schedule:
Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024
Online Montessori Philosophy September 2023 September 2024
Online Child Development January 2024 Winter/Spring 2025
On-site Academic Phase June 2024 June 2025
Online Classroom Leadership September 2024 September 2025
Practicum School year 2024-2025 2025-2026
Evaluations & Review June 2025 June 2026

Academic Phase: Distance Learning
At MMTEI, we use the Canvas learning platform to deliver our online course components. Our courses provide a comprehensive exploration of the Montessori approach for children aged 3-6, and help learners gain a background before entering our intensive on-site phase. Through weekly interactions with instructors and fellow learners in online discussion forums and video conferences, we aim to foster a supportive and thriving learning community, providing various opportunities for integrating course topics. Adult learners should plan 10-15 hours per week, which can be scheduled at their convenience, to view course content and presentations, complete various assignments, and participate in course discussions. Some synchronous Zoom sessions will be scheduled with each cohort throughout their distance learning.
Montessori Philosophy and Foundations of Early Childhood Development I
This is an introductory course covering Montessori philosophy, including the history and key concepts of the Montessori method. Participants will gain an understanding of how these cornerstones of this educational philosophy fit into an Early Childhood classroom.
Montessori Philosophy and Foundations of Early Childhood Development II
This is an introductory course covering child development, with focus primarily on child development as a component of an Early Childhood classroom. Human growth and development and educational theories will be emphasized as they pertain to children ages two and one half (2 ½) through six (6) years old.
Montessori Classroom Leadership
Effective classroom leadership involves establishing a structured and engaging learning environment that fosters students' success and involves the whole school community. To achieve this, teachers must possess a deep understanding of positive discipline and behavior management. Building students' trust and cooperation is key, and teachers should strive to thoughtfully engage their students to capture their attention and build a positive rapport.
Curriculum in Montessori Practical Life
The development of order, concentration, coordination, and independence within the young child is rooted in the activities of Montessori’s Practical Life curriculum. Students will learn to create activities and materials to enhance the child’s growth in this area. Nutrition and fitness which includes the study of the basic nutritional, health and fitness needs of young children. Nutrients in foods as they affect physical and mental development will be identified.
Curriculum in Montessori Sensorial
The development and refinement of the senses is the purpose of this area of the classroom. In this course, students learn how to recognize the needs and abilities of the young child, and how to present the specific equipment designed by Dr. Montessori to further development of the total child.
Curriculum in Montessori Math
The development of the mathematical mind is the direct aim of the Montessori math materials for the young child. Using the materials designed by Dr. Montessori, students will learn how to spark the interest of the young child by sequentially teaching mathematical concepts.
Curriculum in Montessori Language
The student will learn techniques for developing a reading readiness curriculum for the class. Included will be skill development in storytelling, literature-based reading readiness, phonics, beginning reading activities, poetry, and song. The science of reading approach is integrated with basic Montessori reading materials.
Montessori Science and Social Studies Subjects
Zoology/Botany includes differences and similarities in fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and the plant kingdom. The adult learner will be instructed in techniques to design activities for the preschooler. Astronomy/Physical Science includes ways to develop classroom activities that will present the fundamental concepts of astronomy, geology, physics and chemistry to young children. Geography/History includes materials and ideas to develop classroom activities that will present the fundamental concepts of air, water, the earth and land formations. History will be taught in the format of countries, flags and national costumes.
Music, Movement & Art
Students will be introduced to principles for teaching and using music in the classroom, and will acquire ideas for methods and materials in singing, rhythms, creative music and listening. Art includes a variety of techniques with a wide variety of art media. The emphasis will be on providing the young child with media for creative and individual expression. Fitness activities that can become a part of the daily curriculum will be presented.
Parent Involvement
A presentation and discussion of existing strategies and methods used for parent communication and education, and how to implement these strategies into systems that generate collaboration between parents, teachers, family and community.
Child Study through Observation
This is a two-semester course focused on developing objectivity and proficiency in observing and interpreting child behavior. Observation techniques and objectives will be introduced during the on-site and the adult learner will be required to study the behaviors of selected children in their practicum classroom, keep records on their observations and record ways to continue guiding the children on their paths.
Beginning with their admission interview and throughout the year, adult learners receive instruction regarding organizational methods, processes, and technology platforms required to succeed in MMTEI and specifically in their Montessori practicum experience.
Academic Phase: On-site Training
The Early Childhood Full Certification Program requires attendance at one 120-hour on-site session, located at Woodland Montessori School. Attending a summer on-site session before beginning the practicum/internship phase is needed. The summer residential session provides opportunities for supervised lesson practice and material making. The emphasis on classroom leadership skills helps prepare students for the practicum phase so they are successful in translating Montessori theory and methods into daily classroom practice.
Adult learners must complete a nine-month (full school year) practicum in an approved Montessori Early Childhood classroom. This intern-teaching phase must occur in a Montessori classroom for children 3-6 years of age. Exceptions may be made for an alternative age grouping at the discretion of the Director of Education, but a minimum of a 2-year grouping within the 3-6 age range is required. Classrooms must be well equipped with Montessori Early Childhood curriculum materials, and Montessori best practices must be followed.
The ideal practicum experience occurs in a classroom with a certified and experienced Montessori Early Childhood Supervising Teacher. In this situation, the student serves as an assistant teacher-intern working under the guidance of the Supervising Teacher. This enables the student to observe and learn from the mentor teacher while increasingly developing knowledge and skills in all curriculum areas and the duties of a lead Montessori Teacher. In some circumstances, adult learners may need to complete a Self-Directed Practicum. This occurs when a qualified Supervising Teacher cannot work directly with the intern as the lead teacher in the practicum classroom daily. Under these circumstances, the adult learner serves as the lead teacher in the classroom while in training. The MMTEI Director of Education must approve a Self-Directed Internship.
Evaluation and Review:
After successfully completing the Academic Phase, On-site Academic Phase, and Practicum, adult learners are assessed to determine their competency and understanding of the Montessori Philosophy and principles and the use of Montessori Materials. During the practicum year, the intern is required to complete a Year-Long Project and/or research to demonstrate understanding of designing, creating and sequencing Early Childhood learning in accordance with the Montessori philosophy of hands-on, concrete, manipulative, didactic and developmentally appropriate materials. The evaluation consists of an oral presentation on the use of Montessori materials, written examinations on Montessori principles, philosophy, and materials, a presentation on resource manuals, and a presentation of the adult learner's Year-Long Project.
Introduction to Montessori
Classroom Practice Certificate
MMTEI is excited to offer a course for Early Childhood Montessori Classroom Assistant Teachers who are new to the Montessori approach, or anyone who would like to deepen their Montessori understanding. The dynamic and rigorous 40-hour course is offered fully online and includes synchronous time with fellow students and instructors, video instruction, classroom observations, discussions, and supervised practice using key Montessori materials. The course will combine the ease of online instruction with the valuable educational experience of interacting with skilled instructors and fellow students across the region.
Students will be assessed based on written assignments, discussion participation, and the creation of a reference album of materials and lessons. Upon successful completion, students will receive a certificate of completion from the American Montessori Society.
(This is not a teaching credential.)
October 2024 - February 2025
With a three-week break in late December
$350.00 per student or $300.00 each for multiple staff from the same school
Introduction to Montessori Philosophy
Positive Discipline
The Main Areas of the Montessori Classroom
Practical Life and Science
Social Studies
How to Give Introductory Lessons
How to Support a Lead Teacher